My Favorite Piece with Sweet Thyme Design

Today’s “My Favorite Piece” comes from NEW Heartmade maker Chelsea Bumgarner of Sweet Thyme Design! Chelsea (The Spoon Lady of Austin!) will be driving down from our state capital to share her “hand stamped vintage flatware and living greeting cards” with Houston. (Yes, living! The cards have wildflower seeds and can be planted!) We met Chelsea at the incredible Cherrywood Art Fair run by our friends Chula League, and we couldn’t leave without enticing her to visit Houston for Heartmade. We know you’ll give her a warm Houston welcome and don’t forget — Mother’s Day is the weekend after our market and we think Sweet Thyme Design is just what Mama ordered!

Spoon Lady Collection

My Spoon Lady Collection is inspired by my favorite kind of stories — ya know, the ones where women save themselves, and encourage females to stand with other females in support, not in competition. Stories where being Pro-Women doesn’t mean being Anti-Men, but rather recognizing each other’s strength and redefining the word “beautiful” by empowering one another, in likeness and difference. Stories where women are so fierce that everyone else wishes they were born a woman too. I created this line of spoons during a time where I felt like I was in a rut, creatively. When this idea hit, it was like a breath of fresh air. Each Lady is different, to prove that being a strong & independent woman doesn’t look the same on everyone, and to focus on the importance of lifting each other up.

I create the face of each Spoon Lady by combining individual character stamps to form a face-like shape, hammering each one by hand.
